I have been selling and useing Tupperware for the past year and it has changed my life. I was never one to cook in the microwave because I just thought it was for reheating food and microwave popcorn and that any real food would not taste good.
Well I have learned that with my Tupperware microwave line that I was completely wrong, and my microwave gets a good workout now.
I fix all my noodles in a pasta maker, no more waiting on water to boil. YES
Just this morning I made an awesome fluffy cheese omelet in the microwave using my breakfast maker.
I love fixing rice in my microwave in the rice cooker, it is great, it takes much less time than on the stove and no more scorched to the bottom of the pot rice.
Then we have our stack cooker, you can fix an entire 3 course dinner in less than 20 minutes. Great things like meatloaf or fish and potato wedges and so much more. Also my kids favorite thing in the microwave using my stack cooker is cakes, bunt cakes, lava cakes, and monkey bread. Yummy, a whole cake in just 10-15 mins.
Then we have the smart steamer which is designed to keep microwaves out of our foods and you can even make boiled eggs in the microwave with the smart steamer and your house will not even smell like you boiled eggs. My kids love the sliders I make in there.
Want to know more about Tupperware microwave cooking let me know. I will be happy to share with you. I could also come have a microwave cooking class for you and your friends.
We also have a full line of microwave reheating products.